10 questions to
Sarah Stock

Online Marketing

1. Since when have you been part of the team?

I started an internship at netzstrategen at the end of July 2017 and will be there until the beginning of September 2017. The netzstrategen were recommended to me several times by friends for an internship. After a visit to #nmfka, I knew that I would probably feel at home here.

2. What do you like most about netzstrategen?

There is so much to learn as an intern, I was able to ask everyone questions from day one and was directly involved in meetings and discussions. I felt welcome and comfortable from day one.

3. What is your daily business and in which field are you specialised?

I’m allowed to get a glimpse into every area and ask the netzstrategen team questions about their work. Joking aside, I am of course also allowed to lend a hand and currently I am planning to record a netzstrategen podcast together with marketing strategist Tim. So far, I’ve been able to write a few short texts and take on smaller tasks for projects. You might have already read one or two of my social media posts 😉

4. What impresses you the most in your field?

The potential for enthusiasm in social media and marketing gives me great pleasure. When I see nice adverts or content, I am also happy in my everyday life. If I feel the need to tell my friends about it, the task has been done well. However, annoying adverts or incorrect content also annoy me. This makes it all the more exciting for me to get to the bottom of such mistakes so that I can avoid them in future.

5. How would you explain your job to your mum?

Mum, the adverts and posts from companies that you see on Facebook? I would like to create them, only in a more interesting way.

6. Any tip concerning your field you’d like to give away?

This is not really from my area of expertise, but generally seeing mistakes as an opportunity for lasting improvement rather than a mistake is important to me in my everyday (working) life.

Sarah Stock's favorite Values

Commit yourself
Share what you know
Love what you do
Harvest together

7. Which sources help you to stay up to date?

I receive a lot of interesting articles in my Twitterverse, but I also read Tagesschau and Die Zeit online. Since I started my internship, I’ve also added t3n and onlinemarketing.de.

8. Any Apps you couldn’t live without?

My podcast app. I love listening to podcasts when I’m travelling. The app downloads the latest episodes to my mobile phone and I can start listening straight away without having to search.

9. If someone would delete the internet tomorrow, what else would you do?

I would love to open a café. I just have to think about how I can attract the people who are always sitting there with their laptops and working without Wi-Fi.

10. Tell us a secret about yourself, something you haven’t told anyone yet?

I like to wear different coloured socks. Everyone needs a bit of planned chaos, right? :p

Team Online Marketing

Sarah Stock
Anna Gienger