Market analysis - potentials, trends, and competition

In our market analysis, we collect all relevant data about the target market as a basis for strategy development within the Digital Game Plan. This includes potentials in the market, trends and developments and the analysis of the competition.

By evaluating the search volume of specific keywords, we collect market potentials; by analyzing search behavior, we obtain data for defining our target groups and personas. We expand this data by surveying potentials based on specific, targetable characteristics on social or professional networks.

We also determine the competitors in the market when it comes to specific search terms or target groups and collect sales figures from Amazon or heights of CPCs and CPMs to determine the necessary budgets to participate in the market. This data – in conjunction with our audits – enables us to determine the business’s position in the market and derive realistic objectives and strategies.

In addition, this data has the advantage that we can later reuse it for digital marketing measures, which brings a great temporal advantage and the certainty that we will also achieve the targeted goals.

Our products in the field of market analysis

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Digital Business Topics

We take a close look at your current strategy and make recommendations for action.

We thoroughly examine your current strategy and provide actionable recommendations.

Get to know your (potential) customers and their needs.

Find out how you can be found online and how you can show users the way.

We develop the digital strategy for your company.

Success Stories

Learn more about what we do with and for our partners, how we develop strategies that help them reach their goals, and how we support their digital journey.

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Our Digital Business products

These are your contact persons

Kristina Lange
Digital Business Starter
Miriam Ochs
Lars Grasemann
Anna Gienger
Daniel Kudwien
Christina D’Ilio
Digital Business-Strategian
Stephan Sperling
André Hellmann