Audits - status quo and courses of action

Audits provide us with an external view on the status, approach, infrastructure, and processes in digital market development. They help us present our own position in the market compared to our competition and evaluate our current performance.

We analyze the relevant digital markets and key touchpoints; in conjunction with our market analyses, we get a complete bird’s eye perspective on the market status quo. This is how we determine the starting point of any digital strategy.

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Audits as part of the Digital Game Plan

As part of the Digital Game Plan, audits provide us with insights into the strengths and weaknesses and current measures of the organization we’re working with and, among others, answer the following questions:

  • Are we reaching our target groups on the channels we use?
  • Are we using the right content at the right touchpoints?
  • How can we optimize the performance of the measures?


From these, we can derive quick wins and no-brainers that can be implemented immediately and quickly bring about noticeable results. We might, for example, optimize our rankings to quickly move from page two to page one on Google for important keywords. Or we might optimize ongoing campaigns to increase conversions. We then evaluate and prioritize the larger construction sites together in appropriate rounds to carefully plan and tackle the next steps.

Disclaimer: since we know the workload digital and marketing teams often face and the complex nature of their projects, we always approach these topics with respect for the current status. We never point fingers at colleagues or partners – that is an integral part of our values.

We highlight strengths and successes as well as deficits and opportunities, with concrete and pragmatic suggestions for optimization.

Start your project now together with us.
We look forward to your ideas and are happy to support your endeavor, whether it's a new project or restructuring.

Digital Business Topics

We thoroughly examine your current strategy and provide actionable recommendations.

Get to know your (potential) customers and their needs.

Find out how you can be found online and how you can show users the way.

We develop the digital strategy for your company.

We carefully analyze your digital potential on the market and plan the next steps.

Success Stories

Learn more about what we do with and for our partners, how we develop strategies that help them reach their goals, and how we support their digital journey.

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These are your contact persons

Anna Gienger
Christina D’Ilio
Digital Business-Strategian
Stephan Sperling
Miriam Ochs
Lars Grasemann
Kristina Lange
Digital Business Starter
Daniel Kudwien
André Hellmann
Joris Gugnon
Project Management Starter