What makes a good development team?

Good development teams are essential to projects being completed on time and with high quality. In addition to the individual know-how of team members, goal-oriented cooperation is also an important prerequisite for this. Projects consist of team work, after all. But what prerequisites must be in place for teams to work well together? In our experience, there are a few factors that can always be found in effective teams and that you can easily influence.

Goals and processes give the team a common point of orientation. The clearer and more comprehensible they are, the better everyone can identify with them and know what they are working towards. This way, you and your team can prioritize ideas and measures in a targeted manner and resolve discussions more quickly.

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What roles are important in a development team?

The clearer the different roles are defined, the better tasks and responsibilities can be distributed. Some roles and tasks are necessary in every development team:

  • Software Developer (front- & backend, if necessary also fullstack)
  • Quality Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Product Owner


For ideal workflows, individual team members should take on specific roles. However, the combination of specialist and generalist can also be a good asset in a developer. This allows them to use their expert knowledge in a targeted way, but at the same time they can also take on other roles or tasks if there are short-term changes.

Development Topics

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Save money and resources with our site building solution for your website or shop.

How do we help establish your development team?

Define goals: Your individual Digital Game Plan will result in technical measures and thus also concrete requirements for the team to be able to implement them. When building your development team, we take a close look at which hard and soft skills will be needed.

As-is analysis: Once the goals have been defined, we analyze what qualifications and know-how are already available in the team and identify gaps and potential. From this, we derive additional necessary roles and requirement profiles for new colleagues, opportunities for further training of existing employees, and improvements in development processes and collaboration.

Candidate selection process: We are happy to support you in the recruiting process: we review applications and recommend suitable profiles, design sample tasks, conduct code reviews, and, if required, also participate in job interviews.

Workshops & trainings: Both you and your team benefit from further training. In workshops, we develop solutions to specific cases together with your team, and in training sessions we refresh existing know-how. We also support you in restructuring processes and structures to enable the most productive collaboration possible.

Sparring: As part of the sparring process, we are available to you and your team as a long-term contact for specific questions. We advise you on all operational and strategic questions concerning web development.

Our projects

Learn more about what we do with and for our partners, how we develop strategies that help them reach their goals, and how we support their digital journey.

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These are your contact persons

Marc Del Amo
Italo Devoto Ramella
Franziska Filograsso
Andres A.
Daniel Kudwien
Fabian Marz
Miguel Lucas