I’ve been a netzstratege from the very beginning and was already an accomplice of André, Lars and a few others on other projects before that.
That I never get bored, that I rarely have to do things over and over again, but am constantly learning and experiencing new things. And that’s the most important thing: that I can organise my working day myself.
I am a project manager in the e-commerce sector and support small and large customers in their online retail adventures.
I love the fact that I learn something new every day and that I can simply try out a lot of things. But the biggest motivation is of course the success of the shops we look after.
I make sure that you can buy certain things on the Internet, that shopping is fun and that you are happy with your purchase afterwards.
Perhaps the somewhat old-fashioned “the proof of the pudding is in the eating”. The e-commerce world is so fast-moving that you often just have to try things out to find out whether they are useful for you or not.
I read various blogs, but I don’t have any fixed sources, I’m more of the “Google will know” type 🙂
Ach, zum (Über)-Leben brauche ich zum Glück keine Apps. Aber manche, wie WetterOnline (“Regnet es, wenn ich mit dem Rad in Arbeit fahre?”), Google Maps (schöne Routen abseits der Autobahn) oder auch die SZ (“Was passiert auf der Welt?) nutze ich intensiv.
I think I would try even harder to make the world a little better. The topics of sustainability and climate protection are particularly important to me.
I’m so old that I think I’ve told you everything before. But what perhaps not everyone knows is that I like to do as much as possible myself. It starts with beer and ends with repairing things.