Henning Richters SEO Stratege netzstrategen Profilbild (1)

Henning Richters


I’ve been with netzstrategen since September 2019. I came across the company in Barcelona on LinkedIn. 3 years earlier, my wife and I had moved to Barcelona from Hamburg, and I was looking for new opportunities. After the first meeting, it was clear that it was a fit! I especially like the way we interact with each other and with the customers – we actually live the values that we stand for. Ever since my training as a multimedia producer, I have been hooked on the digital world. But when I first opened my own e-commerce store in 1999, I quickly realized that I would much rather build online stores than run them.

As an SEO strategist, I’m part of the marketing team and especially take care of the technical side of SEO. That means I look at our clients’ websites from the Googlebot’s point of view and investigate how the bot can reach and index the pages. I then present the results of the SEO tech audits to our clients. It is very important to me to present even complex correlations in a way that even “non-techies” can understand where the problem lies and why it is important to eliminate it. Clear measures that are weighted by benefit and effort are for me the heart of an SEO tech audit. The client should get the greatest possible benefit from it.

Happy those who knew in their childhood what they want to become - I've needed a little more time.

It never gets boring in the SEO world; every day I spend some of my free time getting up to speed on Google and SEO. I love to learn new techniques and methods and try to understand processes in detail. As a particularly good source for information about SEO, I would recommend Twitter. There are a lot of very good SEO’s sharing valuable recommendations with the community. Ping me on Twitter and I can give you some recommendations on who is worth following.

My second passion is SEO tools. I can’t resist trying out new tools. But among my most important tools are Google Search Console, ScreamingFrog, and of course Ryte. It’s only in the interaction of the three tools that you can see how valuable they are.
As a balance to the digital world, I use the marvelous climate here in Barcelona to spend a lot of time in nature. Catalonia offers a lot of opportunities for this, for me surfing and cycling are at the top of the list. Maybe I’ll see you around 😉.

Where you'll meet Henning Richters

10 questions to Henning

In the 10 questions, Henning reveals, among other things, which sources keep him fit on SEO topics.

Team SEO and Content

You will meet the SEO and Content team mainly in Karlsruhe, but also in Barcelona and Cologne. We also regularly share our knowledge at webinars and events on the hallo.digital campus. With the Digital Game Plan, we make sure that your strategy reaches and inspires the right people on the right channels with the right content.