Franzi Filograsso Profilbild netzstrategen

Franziska Filograsso


I’m Franzi and I’ve been working at netzstrategen as a coordinator in the development team since the beginning of 2022. My job is to translate all requirements for the digital products we create into structured work packages for the devs, and to manage the team’s capacities for the different projects.

In doing so, I communicate with different disciplines on a daily basis and bring information from all corners together so that a successful product can be created in the end. Since it can become difficult working in a structured way with so many people involved, I work a lot on optimizing work processes and am constantly on the lookout for new tools and methods that make everyone’s work easier. I also see myself as a mediator in the team and try to ensure that all team members feel comfortable and can work efficiently.

In my role, it is very important to have a deep understanding of the product and technology in order to be able to find the optimal solutions to problems together with the developers.

This interest in technologies started early in my childhood. Whenever the family’s computer expert friend came over to give our computer a tune-up, I would enthusiastically sit by for hours and eventually take over myself. Even though I often broke something in an over-motivated way, I learned an incredible amount in the process.

As I grew up, I got into various software programs, starting with MIDI editors for custom cell phone ringtones, video editors for filming and editing trips and school events, and later Photoshop and InDesign, which inevitably made me the family’s go-to for cards, invitations, and image editing of all kinds.

The fascination with how software works and how much goes into building a user interface has stayed with me to this day.
It was therefore clear to me early on that I wanted to work in the digital sector, and I started my first job in online marketing at Zalando. There, I used a content management system to optimize the webshop and create landing pages. My great curiosity about how this system works in detail and how it could be optimized led me to the decision to become a Product Manager.

I have now been working as a Product Manager since 2017 and have gained experience in the media and food industry with digital products of different types and technologies. I am happy to now be a part of the netzstrategen family and to have found a wonderful team of talented and humanly enriching developers there, with whom I get to implement many exciting projects.

In my free time, I like to be around people and enjoy the benefits of the city, but I also really enjoy spending time in nature and in or on the water. I’m also passionate about eating and cooking and hope to learn a lot more about Spanish cuisine from my colleagues in Barcelona.

Where you'll meet Franziska Filograsso

10 questions to Franzi Filograsso

In the 10 questions, Franzi explains what fascinates her so much about web technologies.

Team Development

We implement the technological aspects of the Digital Game Plan. This can be a digital product, an online shop or website and also the technical infrastructure behind the projects.