TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe


What does the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion do?

TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH is an organisation dedicated to promoting innovation, science and business in the Karlsruhe region. As a contact point for companies, research organisations and public institutions, it offers support in the development and implementation of projects that strengthen and further develop the region’s potential.

Teil der TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH ist das Welcome Center, das bei der Sicherung des Fachkräftebedarfs eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Das erklärte Ziel ist, Unternehmen in der TechnologieRegion mit internationalen Fachkräften zusammenzubringen. 

A relaunch for the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion

TRK approached us as part of a relaunch of its websites and www.trk/

The aim of the relaunch was to modernise the look and feel of the websites, provide a good user experience and make them easier to maintain for customers.

This resulted in the following areas of action for us for the relaunch:

Our projects with the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion