Rachel Gozal


Life is hard enough, make it simple. Ich komme ursprünglich aus dem tropischen Indonesien und habe seit meinem 17. Lebensjahr in China und jetzt in Deutschland gelebt.

Design has always been a big part of my life since I was 13 – or well, it started when I was 6 years old. I joined and won a lot of different drawing and coloring competitions as a kid up to when I’m 12, which I believe had sharpened my skills about picking and putting colors together. But then, as all kids are, I did get bored with art and my crayons. So I went to a tourism vocational school in between, which, however, led me back to design (or art) all over again when my teacher told me that I should pursue my design talent as I designed a travel brochure.

Growing up together side by side with the internet, made me realize how it made so many things in life a lot easier. What was not possible when I’m 10, is now just a click away. Living abroad makes it even more clearer. I’m so grateful that I don’t have to send letters to my family or use a phone booth to make an international phone call. That is also one of the reasons why my passion for digital design grew, since design is the one thing that makes sure I’m not frustrated in using the digital platforms. After 6 years of intense qualification in the design field, it is still my biggest pleasure to be able to deliver a complex set of information in an aesthetic and simpler way, all so I can help others have a simpler life.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."

I work as a UI designer in the Karlsruhe office and sometimes in the comfort of my own apartment. My tasks involve designing a mere button, up to a whole website with motion design and illustrations. In my off hours, I mostly spend time with my family, friends or simply cuddling my sausage dog. Being asian at heart, I have a big passion for noodle soup and bubble tea, but also cake and chai latte.

Where you'll meet Rachel Gozal

10 questions to Rachel

An important part of our onboarding is the 10-question interview. We are curious and are always delighted to welcome new colleagues. So that you don't get quizzed by the whole Strategen family at once, here's the interview for everyone to read. Have fun!

Team Design and Experience

You will meet the Design and Experience team in the beautiful Karlsruhe office. We come into play during the implementation of the Digital Game Plan and work closely with the other disciplines to create a positive user experience for your digital products.