Ramona Buhleier

Dual Student Media Design

My passion for creativity has been with me my whole life. Nevertheless, after graduating from high school in 2018, I decided to do an apprenticeship in the public sector. During my time there, I gained a lot of valuable experience, but I quickly realised that these tasks were not creative enough for me.

As I already enjoyed creating visual content during my apprenticeship, the wish to further develop these skills grew more and more. This eventually led me to the dual study programme in media design at netzstrategen here in Karlsruhe. Here, I alternate between practical and theoretical phases for three months, which allows me to apply what I have learnt directly in the company. I really appreciate this practical experience.

During the six semesters at the university, I learn the basics of creative presentation methods, techniques and communication as well as the creation of complex design systems, including:

  • Corporate design systems
  • campaigns
  • interaction design
  • Communication in space
  • motion design

During my studies, I gained extensive knowledge of the most important design programmes such as Adobe Cloud with Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Premiere, as well as Figma, Da Vinci, Blender and many more.

I also deepened my knowledge during my semester abroad in Copenhagen in the area of Digital Product Development. Here I learnt how to work in an interdisciplinary team, how to methodically deal with practical issues and how to design and create digital products.

During the practical phases in Karlsruhe, I mainly deal with web design and the creation of creative content. I really enjoy the work because we always design different content depending on the customer project. Sometimes it’s a website, sometimes an animation, creative social media content or the creation of a completely new corporate design. 

I love learning new things every day and continuously expanding my horizons in collaboration with great colleagues.

Where you'll meet Ramona Buhleier

10 questions to Ramona

Ramona introduces herself in more detail in these 10 questions. We hope you enjoy reading them.

Team Design and Experience

You will meet the Design and Experience team in the beautiful Karlsruhe office. We come into play during the implementation of the Digital Game Plan and work closely with the other disciplines to create a positive user experience for your digital products.