10 questions to
Anna Gienger

SEO and Content

1. Since when have you been part of the team?

In July 2012 – directly after graduating from high school – I started as a dual student at netzstrategen.

2. What do you like most about netzstrategen?

The endless possibilities and freedom to design and build everything. And that it has never been boring in the last 10 years and I have never stopped learning.

3. What is your daily business and in which field are you specialised?

Content is my passion. To throw a few buzzwords into the room: Content strategy, content planning, content processes, SEO.

4. What impresses you the most in your field?

Guter Content kann den Menschen wirklich weiterhelfen. Beantwortet ihnen Fragen, klärt sie auf, nimmt ihnen Bedenken, begeistert sie.

5. How would you explain your job to your mum?

Having the same surname twice is no coincidence. My mum works for us as a number strategist.

6. Any tip concerning your field you’d like to give away?

Google nicht nur als Suchmaschine, sondern als Marktforschungstool nutzen.

Anna Gienger's favorite Values


7. Which sources help you to stay up to date?

Various newsletters are mixed into my inbox.

8. Any Apps you couldn’t live without?

Google Maps. I have a really bad sense of direction.

9. If someone would delete the internet tomorrow, what else would you do?

Hey – print wins.

10. Tell us a secret about yourself, something you haven’t told anyone yet?

I like to drink peppermint tea with apple juice.

Team SEO and Content

Henning Richters
Sinah Bäcker
Lena Dupont
Anna Gienger