Katrin Moos Profilbild netzstrategen

Katrin Moos


I like here just as much as there, outside is just as nice as inside. The digital world is great, the analog one lovable. Born in a village in the southern Palatinate with a “creative streak” and an interest in “something with media”, as it was called in the early 2000s, I studied communication design at the University of Mannheim. After finishing my diploma in communication design I wanted to do something bigger and by chance I ended up in Hamburg in a small online agency. As so often, this paved the way and the passion of my professional career. Via Flash-Games and a lot of pixel pushing, I worked in multiple agencies like DDB, Grimm Gallun Holtappels (GGH MullenLowe), and TRACK. About halfway through, I took a turn in the direction of concept and usability, until I completely changed my focus a few years ago.
With netzstrategen I have a new professional home in my old home in southern Germany, and I am happy to be able to handle great projects with a lot of personal responsibility and flexibility!

At home in my village and the wide world.

At the Karlsruhe location, I work as a UX design strategist in a great team, where I am responsible for projects in the field of user experience. My tasks include analyzing and improving existing websites, apps, etc., and finding potentials to become better and more digital on the market. Likewise, I design website structures and plan completely new products with the help of wireframes, sitemaps, and content plans, which we test on users always improve to bring the best possible version to the market in the end.

What I enjoy most is helping clients a lot with small recommendations and analyses. Often, a lot of small things can make a big difference! I really celebrate that, which is why my favorite value is “Celebrate”! Of course, as a native of the Palatinate, I imbibed this principle like mother’s milk, but I believe it holds true: always remember to celebrate the little things and yourself. Only then can you draw the strength needed for bigger things.

Outside my working hours, I’m always trying to consciously stay outside of the digital world as well in order to recharge my batteries. I love spending time in the garden with my family or friends, hiking in nature, or cooking. I also like to go to faraway places without any internet connection to be off the grid for a while.

Where you'll meet Katrin Moos

10 questions to Katrin

In the 10 questions, Katrin explains what her job has to do with architecture.

Team Design and Experience

You will meet the Design and Experience team in the beautiful Karlsruhe office. We come into play during the implementation of the Digital Game Plan and work closely with the other disciplines to create a positive user experience for your digital products.