Christina D'Ilio netzstrategen Profilbild

Christina D'Ilio

Digital Business-Strategian

Christina is your contact person for topics relating to strategy, your target groups and customer journeys. She joined netzstrategen in 2016 and has been supporting clients with her expertise in market research, strategy definition and project management ever since. Christina previously worked as Head of Project Management and Head of New Media and brings a wealth of experience to her current projects. She is very familiar with the B2B manufacturing industry and the media and publishing sectors.

Read more about Christina and her work:

“The future is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.” (William Gibson) I’m happy to help shape and distribute it.

When I started at netzstrategen in 2016, my area of expertise was almost exclusively the digitization of media houses. And no wonder, since after finishing my degree in media sociology I led the “new media” section of different daily newspapers for five years. I was responsible for anything to do “with this internet”, which included online editing, attracting online readers, and market advertising.

During my first years at netzstrategen, I worked mainly on the strategic planning of digitization projects based on target group demands. Who reads printed newspapers, who consumes news on the internet? Who isn’t even interested in news at all but rather seeks entertainment online? And what do the answers to these questions mean in regards to product development and product marketing?

In cooperation with the SINUS institute of market research we have developed so-called media personas to help answer these questions. I quickly realized that a deep understanding of the needs and pain points of target groups is key to marketing digital strategies. This holds true not only for daily newspaper publishers, but many industries. I expanded my knowledge of target groups, the design of customer journeys, and the resulting digital strategy, and shared it primarily with our clients from the B2B sector.

"The future is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet."

Nowadays half of my time at the office is spent working with our B2B clients. After the first strategy phase I take over project management if one or more of our disciplines are needed for the project implementation. The other half of my working time still belongs to publishing houses.

Whenever I’m not staring at a screen, you can usually find me on a soccer field. During the last few years I also developed a passion for hiking. I like to use digital tools to plan routes and track my routes; it’s great to see the miles I’ve made on my phone afterwards.

Where you'll meet Christina D'Ilio

10 questions to Christina D'Ilio

In the 10 questions, Christina reveals, among other things, what her work has in common with that of carpenters.

Team Digital Business

The Digital Business team takes a bird's eye view on the digital topics and develops the Digital Game Plan.