10 questions to
Lena Dupont

SEO and Content

1. Since when have you been part of the team?

I’ve been with netzstrategen since mid-July 2019. I was already familiar with netzstrategen, but it was only through my former – and now again – work colleague Konstantin that I visited some #nmfka. I realised relatively quickly that I would like to become part of the team.

2. What do you like most about netzstrategen?

The networking and the team spirit. You walk into the office and immediately realise: people are up for it! That’s what characterises netzstrategen.

3. What is your daily business and in which field are you specialised?

I work as an SEO and project strategian. First and foremost, I advise our customers on how they can optimise their website for search engines so that they can be found by their customers. Secondly, I organise and structure projects so that everything runs according to plan.

4. What impresses you the most in your field?

I’m particularly fascinated by how users use search engines and how many search queries there are every day. That makes the whole thing incredibly exciting. What’s more, SEO is such a huge area that you can learn something new every day.

5. How would you explain your job to your mum?

My mum actually has a pretty good grasp of the internet. If I have to explain it to her, I tell her that I advise our customers on what content and topics are relevant for users and how they can be found in the search engine.

6. Any tip concerning your field you’d like to give away?

Optimised for the user, not for Google. Google itself has been preaching this for a long time and even if there are some technical or content-related requirements that are assumed by the search engines, the following still applies in the end: If the user doesn’t like your page, it will never be ranked number 1.

Lena Dupont's favorite Values

Commit yourself
Share what you know
Love what you do
Harvest together

7. Which sources help you to stay up to date?

There are quite a few. The most important are

8. Any Apps you couldn’t live without?

Deezer & WhatsApp.

9. If someone would delete the internet tomorrow, what else would you do?

Write, write and write again. Maybe one day I’ll manage to finish the stories I have in my head. And cook a lot, food is important!

10. Tell us a secret about yourself, something you haven’t told anyone yet?

I type 1 + 1 into the calculator, just to be on the safe side.

Team SEO and Content

Henning Richters
Lena Dupont
Anna Gienger
Sinah Bäcker