Lars Grasemann Profilbild netzstrategen

Lars Grasemann


Having been part of the netzstrategen from the first, I realized early on that every digital project also changes organization.

Digital products, tools, tasks, and processes are taking hold. For this to succeed, companies need digital expertise, which we actively support. That’s why I’m responsible for the continuing education program with our colleagues at

One important task of my role is to develop learning formats that are up-to-date and appropriate in terms of content, and to adapt them to the participants. To do this, I am in constant exchange with our project managers and disciplines. After all, top management needs different digital knowledge than marketing managers or sales teams. This matchmaking of learning needs, content, and formats is my true passion. And the best thing is that I’m constantly learning new things myself.

On the one hand, my experience from numerous strategy and training projects, especially in the media sector, helps me in this. On the other hand, I can put myself in clients’ shoes, as I worked in marketing for the Handelsblatt Media Group for eight years before joining netzstrategen.

In the end, it's always about empathy and education.

The digital world is pretty much the most exciting and agile subject area I know. It’s fun, and it’s challenging. It makes life easier on the one hand and creates new dependencies on the other. I see a lot of opportunities for people with good ideas and hope that the digital possibilities will bring about a fairer distribution of education. But I also see the dangers that arise from quasi-monopolistic platforms or bubble-forming networks.

But it’s precisely this area of tension that appeals to me. And the best thing about it: rarely has the opportunity to have a say in change been so great. You can probably already tell that I love talking shop. That’s why I regularly moderate roundtables at kompakt or discuss it with students at DHBW Ravensburg or the University of Cologne as part of teaching assignments. Feel free to contact me via email or on LinkedIn if you are also looking for an exchange, or meet me in our Cologne office for a coffee or a Kölsch!

Where you'll meet Lars Grasemann

10 questions to Lars Grasemann

Lars tells us more about himself and why Cologne and digitalisation are so close to his heart.

Team Digital Business

The Digital Business team takes a bird's eye view on the digital topics and develops the Digital Game Plan.