10 questions to
Lars Grasemann

Digital Business

1. Since when have you been part of the team?

I’ve been a netzstratege from the very beginning. I met André and Stephan in Düsseldorf at the beginning of 2009. Over a hearty dinner and several beers, I was immediately hooked on their idea of netzstrategen. Six months later, I was on board with the predecessor company zelect. A year later, things really took off …

2. What do you like most about netzstrategen?

Every day I have the good feeling of doing something meaningful by helping people to find their way around the networked world a little better. Doing all of this independently and together with friends is a great luxury that I really appreciate.

In the end, it's always about empathy and education.

3. What is your daily business and in which field are you specialised?

It’s not just because of my beard growth and corpulence that I’m something of an “explainer” at netzstrategen. That’s why I take care of the training programmes such as seminars, workshops and training series. All of this now takes place over on our hallo.digital campus.

4. What impresses you the most in your field?

The speed and agility with which things are evolving. The pandemic has broken the inertia in the area of further education. Virtual formats, shorter learning units and interactive methods have replaced traditional face-to-face seminars in many areas.

5. How would you explain your job to your mum?

Digitalisation is changing the working world of marketing people dramatically. I help them to keep pace with this change and utilise the opportunities.

6. Any tip concerning your field you’d like to give away?

If you want to be successful, you need empathy. If I don’t understand my participants, I’m not teaching to their needs. To negotiate well, I need to understand my business partner. When I manage a project, I need to get everyone involved on board. And to sell successfully, I need to listen carefully to what my customers want. In other words, wherever I am a sender, I should first be a receiver.

Lars Grasemann's favorite Values

Connect the dots
Be realistic
Stick to the plan
Get your hands dirty
Be proactive
React fast
Never stop
Exceed expectations
Commit yourself
Share what you know
Love what you do
Harvest together

7. Which sources help you to stay up to date?

It’s now quite a mix, and its use is completely situational. When I’m at the computer, I regularly check news sites – especially süddeutsche.de. I also have a digital subscription here because I really appreciate the longer, in-depth pieces.
When I’m travelling, I use the Twitter app to bridge waiting times, as I often find valuable links to interesting articles from my specialist area. I’ve discovered podcasts in my private life, especially NBE – The Nilz Bokelberg Experience.

8. Any Apps you couldn’t live without?

It’s hard to say. I probably use Whatsapp, Gmail and DB Navigator the most.

9. If someone would delete the internet tomorrow, what else would you do?

Then I would have to pursue a career as a football commentator, which has been my dream since childhood. A job in the further education sector, e.g. as a trainer, coach or lecturer, would probably be more realistic.

10. Tell us a secret about yourself, something you haven’t told anyone yet?

My first smartphone – if you can call it that – as a network strategist was a Blackberry. Fortunately, HTC put me out of my misery with one of the first Android devices.

Team Digital Business

Anna Gienger
Christina D’Ilio
Digital Business-Strategian
Stephan Sperling
Lars Grasemann
Kristina Lange
Digital Business Starter
Miriam Ochs
Joris Gugnon
Project Management Starter
Daniel Kudwien
André Hellmann