10 questions to
Anabel Köster

Digital Analytics

1. Since when have you been part of the team?

I started on 1 March 2024. I already knew netzstrategen through Anna. So when I was looking for a new job, I attended a #nmfka and immediately loved the vibe.

2. What do you like most about netzstrategen?

What I like about netzstrategen is that everyone I’ve met so far is an enthusiast in his or her field. It is very inspiring to work in such an environment. Plus, you can always have a good laugh together while being productive.

3. What is your daily business and in which field are you specialised?

I am working as a Data & Analytics Strategist and am part of Chris TRA team. I will mainly be responsible for everything to do with Google Analytics and ensure that our customers are provided with data-based insights.

4. What impresses you the most in your field?

 That things are measurable.

5. How would you explain your job to your mum?

I make sure that our customers gain insights into their data so that they can manage their business in the best possible way.

6. Any tip concerning your field you’d like to give away?

Have the courage to ask questions and scrutinise things.

Anabel Köster's favorite Values

Be proactive
React fast
Never stop
Exceed expectations

7. Which sources help you to stay up to date?

I listen to a lot of podcasts. Or alternatively in my Instagram and LinkedIn bubbles.

8. Any Apps you couldn’t live without?

Podcast Player & Google Maps

9. If someone would delete the internet tomorrow, what else would you do?

Open a cafe and bake cakes all day long.

10. Tell us a secret about yourself, something you haven’t told anyone yet?

I don’t use Tiktok… purely out of self-protection ;-).

Team Digital Analytics

Daniel Kudwien
Anabel Köster
Data and Analytics Strategian
Marouf Ali
Digital Analytics-Strategian
Chris Sattel
Digital Analytics-Strategian