Tariff and product guide for svo.de

Tariff and product guide for svo.de

Client: svo
The SVO Group is a regional energy supplier serving the Celle and Uelzen areas.
Industry: Energy Supply
Website: svo.de

The concept involves creating an intuitively usable tool tailored for various customer groups, aimed at facilitating cross-selling and upselling as well as acquiring new customers.




The result is a complex tool that still offers (potential) customers the fastest path to the best product solution.

What does the SVO group do?

Tradition meets modernity at the SVO Group: it has been an energy supplier and network operator for the Celle and Uelzen region for over 110 years. The SVO Group supplies its customers with electricity, water, natural gas, drinking water, fibre-optic internet and takes care of network operations. SVO is investing in a sustainable and digital future for the region. The Group promotes electromobility by expanding the necessary infrastructure and offers solutions to advance the energy transition in the region.

SVO’s goal is to supply all customers with 100 per cent green electricity in future and to be completely emission-free as a group of companies by 2026.

Development of the tariff and product guide

A tariff and product guide is a tool on a website that provides existing and potential customers with an overview of all tariffs and products. In this case, it was about electricity, natural gas and fiber optic tariffs as well as wallboxes for charging electric cars. Ultimately, the guide directs customers to tariffs or products and also recommends other products and services on the basis of the information provided. This makes the tool an important instrument for the company’s cross-selling and upselling strategy, as well as for the acquisition of new B2B and B2C customers. The conceptual work on the tool has been completed. It is currently in the technical implementation phase.

A particular challenge for the concept was the complexity of the customer groups consisting of new, existing, private, and business customers. In addition, there are different products and prices for the respective groups and sometimes discounts for the combination of specific products. Creating a schematic flowchart helped us map the complexity of target groups and their different customer journeys. It serves as a basis for the creation of the wireframes.

Extensive flowchart showing all possible customer journeys including data queries.

User-testing the concept

The result of the conception is a wireframe structure that represents all paths that users can take in the guide tool. To test this structure, we prepared the wireframe structure as a clickable dummy and carried out user testing. We usually test our work before it is implemented to make sure it is as user-friendly as possible.

The clickdummy shows the most important click paths and is the basis for user testing.

Why we employ user testing

These tests can help us learn from specific user behavior and find out where problems still occur. The insights we gained have helped us eliminate hurdles and make the tool more user-friendly.

How we carried out the user testing

Together with SVO, we defined concrete tasks that we then had a specific user group (with a defined age and gender) run through on defined devices. The users followed the steps of each task and were asked to comment on their impressions, which were documented on video and then evaluated by us. In our case, the tasks led to particularly complex products or took particularly long paths to reach the goal. We subsequently analyzed and evaluated the result and took a close look at which tasks were performed well and where problems were discovered. 

Sample task and results pages from user testing.

Our projects with SVO

SVO-website-teaser element on a graphical smartphone the SVO website is open
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Project team

Christina D’Ilio
Digital Business-Strategian
Doro Sthamer
Katrin Moos
Sinah Bäcker