Gartenmöbel Company Dick GmbH & Co. KG

Logo der Gartenmöbel Company
Furniture | Commerce​
ca. 450

Our cooperation with Gartenmöbel Company

Gartenmöbel Company has been at our side from our very first day. As a matter of fact, our cooperation started even before netzstrategen were founded in 2010, and has been further developing and improving ever since. When we first worked together, we helped the company equip their physical store with a “business card for the web” – and have since witnessed them become a big and successful company within the Wohnparc group, comprising 4 physical stores and a very active online shop. To this day, we work together intensively in many areas on a daily basis. 

Thanks to this trust-based working environment, we were also able to explore new trends and opportunities together, and are quick and decisive in doing so. This way, we’re able to stay on top of the e-commerce field.

Goals of our cooperation

Für die Gartenmöbel Company möchten wir die Marktpositionierung stärken und weiter ausbauen. Dafür optimieren wir Prozessen und Abläufe, um Margenfresser zu reduzieren. Je reibungsloser Aufträge verarbeitet werden und je weniger manuelle Schritte und Kommunikation erforderlich ist, desto geringer sind die zusätzlichen Kosten und desto besser die Marge am Ende des Prozesses. Das ist eine der großen und spannendsten Herausforderungen für alle Händler:innen am Markt. Dafür setzen wir effizientes und datengestütztes Marketing und Performace Marketing ein, um optimale Margen zu erzielen.

Some of our mutual projects

Our cooperation with Gartenmöbel Company is intensive and ongoing. We provide support in various areas and take care of the continuous optimization of many processes. The website utilizes a particularly high-performance decoupled frontend that reduces loading times and thus optimizes the conversion rate, especially for mobile use. Since installing WordPress 10 years ago, we have developed many custom front-end and back-end features that are ideally suited to the needs of a furniture retailer. We are also expanding the marketplace business to take advantage of exciting new markets and revenue streams.

Start your project now together with us.
We look forward to your ideas and are happy to support your endeavor, whether it's a new project or restructuring.

Project team

Lena Dupont
Marc Del Amo
Henning Richters
Daniel Kudwien
Stephan Sperling
Italo Devoto Ramella
Andres A.
Rachel Gozal
Fabian Marz
Doro Sthamer
Katrin Moos
Miguel Lucas
Chris Sattel
Digital Analytics-Strategian